Saturday, May 17, 2008

To be Needed.

A friend of mine challenged me to write something in 15 minutes. This is what I came up with.

It was years ago. She should leave the past in the past and let it all go. He wasn’t worth it, they all said. And she knew it too. She knew that all he did was use her. That when he didn’t need her, they hardly ever spoke. But when another girl would make another mistake, she was the first one he called. And then just like that, he was gone. He had found her, the one who supposedly would make all his dreams come true. The one that she had thought she had always been. And because he so deeply believed that the supposedly perfect girl was the one he had been searching for all his life, he didn’t need her anymore. This one really did seem perfect.
She watched the wedding from the altar. The supposedly perfect girl had chosen her as a bridesmaid. For the supposedly perfect girl was kind enough to include her in the ceremony that would guarantee her never being able to be with the love of her life. It was a beautiful ceremony indeed. And it was with that, that he was lost.
And yet, she could not let him go. She kept hoping (because hope tends to be all that there is left when all else seems to be lost) that the supposedly perfect girl would make some sort of mistake that would bring him back to her. For while she knew that he would never be hers, that he would never love her the way she wanted him to, no, needed him to, all she had ever really wanted was to be needed by him. All she had wanted was a phone call in the long, increasingly lonely nights, that showed he at least cared. But such hoping is lost on men like him. This she knew. For the call never came. And so, though so much time had passed, and though all friends and all better judgment told her how much better it would be to just let him go, still she hoped. Because for her, being needed by him was better than being loved by anyone else.

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