Thursday, August 9, 2007


What is it about relationships that changes us? I used to think that it was the sex that changed you, and while I’m sure that it has something to do with it, I know that it’s not everything. Maybe it’s the thing that is the hugest factor in every aspect of our lives: the people. With every friend, relative, lover, co-worker, etcetera comes the possibility of a new aspect of our lives. Something about ourselves that we never really thought of or new was inside us. This possibility, the chance of something within us changing is the most exciting part about meeting new people. There are those people who indeed very much bring out the worst in us. But in the same way are the people who change us for the better. Make us learn that there are good things, in many cases very good things, within us.

If the people that have known us the longest have more potential to have a greater impact on us, why do we feel so much more comfortable telling all our secrets to complete strangers? Is it because we feel there is a slightly smaller chance of them judging us since they know nothing about us? Or because there is that brand new possibility of their ability to change us? Maybe, there isn’t a possibility of them having any impact on our lives at all and this is the most attractive part of strangers. You can get in and get out without a scratch of judgment or guilt on you and leaving you as completely content with who and how you are as you were in the first place. And it is this that makes such a possibility irresistible, that there is no effect through judgement. Thus, coming away from this, in essence the greatest impacting possibility is that what we are all most afraid of is being judged, especially by people who we care so much about.

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