Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This was supposed to be part of a larger work that was never finished. It's pretty random to say the least...

It was that point in the evening where the clouds began to cover the city. Staring at what stars you struggled to see, it’s easy to notice that something else was going on in the sky. The clouds begin their graceful dance to come together and envelop the city. As if they wanted to rock everyone to sleep in their embrace; to shield everyone from the fears of the night. And there she stood. In her silver sexy-yet-functional heels, her favorite and most versatile little black dress, the floating diamond necklace from their first anniversary, and her hair perfectly straightened, hanging just past her shoulder blades. She turned when she heard someone coming, and immediately put out her Marlboro light. Oops, it was just Stephen. “You should really quit that shit you know?” He was leaning in the doorway to the balcony with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his jacket at his side. “Damn, he looks good tonight.” She quietly thought to herself. He wore the Gucci black pinstripe suit that night, with a sky blue dress shirt rather than the typical white and the matching pinstripe tie from two Valentine’s Days ago. “Right…hypocrite.” She said playfully as she put her pack of cigarettes and lighter back into her purse in the secret pocket, so as to not allow anyone to call her a “smoker.” She fucking hated that term. “Ready?” he asked, standing up straight and placing his jacket in his other hand in one fluid movement. She looked back up at the sky once more, then turned, smiled, and answered cheerfully sarcastic, “Of course babe! Let’s go.” He put his jacket on, she took a hold of his arm, and they left the balcony, walked downstairs and into their Porsche Carrera (Stephen’s pride and joy). It was Adrienne’s wake they were leaving for. And she couldn’t help but wonder when the hell it was made okay for her friends to start dying on her. Adrienne was thirty seven, a mother of two and was married to a wonderful corporate lawyer who adored her. “In what sick world does such a fortunate woman have to die rather than the moronic drunk driver who hit her?” Tessa thought out loud on the way to Adrienne’s home, she looked to Stephen for an answer. “Tessa, shit happens. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. That’s just the way it is.” “Thank you dear, you’re so fucking eloquent.” She snapped back at him. Stephen said nothing, and just held her hand, knowing it was both what she wanted and needed, but something she would also never admit.

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