Wednesday, September 17, 2008


***Disclaimer: This is a part of an assignment for a class I had this summer. It is probably the first and last time anything on here will really be about me.

I believe that if people relaxed in traffic, it would make it more bearable for everyone. I believe that my Mom is one of the smartest people I know. I believe that I have the greatest friends in the world. I believe that Los Angeles is one of the greatest cities ever. I believe that while Los Angeles has disgusting air quality and even more disgusting traffic, it’s the people that make it worthwhile. I believe that you should have safe sex before you’re married, because you can’t buy a car without test driving it. I don’t think that people should be whores before their married, but they should be aware that sex is a very important part of a relationship, but it is definitely not the most important. I believe that communication is the key to any successful relationship, partnership, business, and every other type of interaction between humans. I believe that it’s okay to be a little lost sometimes, because it lets you see and experience things you wouldn’t have if you had stayed on track. I believe that there is an unfathomable amount of beauty in the world. And I believe in Love.

I once tried to write a three minute speech about love for academic decathlon. My coach hated it, but still I learned a lot. I learned that there are three types of love, philos, eros, and agape. Philos is brotherly love, eros is erotic love, and agape is the greatest of all: sacrificial love. Well, that is what the text books talk about. While I am sure that there are different types of love, I don’t think it matters whatsoever. God never asked us to like anyone, but he did ask us to love everyone. When it comes down to it, if we all just try to love each other a little bit more, things would be so much better. I don’t know if we could change the world just by loving, in fact I highly doubt it. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t change our own worlds by loving.

I hated myself for the longest time. I pretended to have high self esteem so that people believed me when I said a cat scratched me when they saw the scars from where I cut myself. I pretended to feel pretty everyday, and to smile and giggle, and bat my eyelashes at the boys. It gets really tiring to act out an entire lifetime. And then, I just learned to let it all just go. I learned that I have no reason to hate myself, that my past is my past and there’s nothing I can do about it. But I can make today awesome, and hope that tomorrow’s even better. And the way to feel better, is to just love your heart out. Even on your crappiest day, you just have to remember how important you are to those who love you. Then you love them back, and it helps you to keep going, it helps you to put on a real smile, and let out a real laugh.

I believe in the goodness of others. I believe in the love of my friends and my family. And I believe that love is the greatest gift we have.


canon said...

You should write more about yourself, having gone through so much, I think you have a lot to say. I really liked this one.

Cal said...

You should listen to smart people. Meaning, listen to your mom and yourself. There's truth and self-actualization here... meaning, I believe in you too. Meaning believe in yourself.